Whats happening in April?
During the month of April Greens will receive the monthly application of wetting agent, seaweed and nutrition and a sand top dressing. As soon as soil temperatures rise a granular feed will also be applied and hopefully a selective herbicide application to deal with any broadleaved weeds such as daisies. Tees and Surrounds will receive a lawn sand application which will help control moss and also add some much needed colour and nutrition. A full divot of Tees and Fairways will also be carried out ahead of another predicted busy golfing season.
The sheep will also be returning to graze the course for the lambing period for approximately one month from the 14th April, the time scale is weather dependant. But to allow this to go as smoothly as possible we ask golfers to keep dogs on leads at all times and please don’t move the electric fences which are placed strategically around the greens to protect them.